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MGT 826 IEDL Spring 2025 Course Application

Thank you for your interest in MGT826: Inclusive Economic Development Lab (IEDL) -Spring 2025.
Course Description: The Spring 2025 Lab course explores the theme of Harnessing Data for Social Impact. This is a project-based class where students will have the opportunity to engage with key actors in neighborhoods in New Haven, CT and potentially other U.S. Cities to develop a concrete class deliverable providing a set of analyses or practice modules that city and community actors can use to enhance inclusive economic development. Over the semester, the class will work on: 1) production of a season of the CitySCOPE podcast, 2) a public curriculum deck showcasing key learnings from the semester, and 3) a specific client deliverable based on team project. See website for more info on past projects:
Application Details
Info Session: Fall 2024 (October 22 at 11:45am in EVANS 4430)
Process to apply: Application only (course not in the bidding system).
Deadline to apply: Round 1 applications open 10/23/2024, notifications Sunday 11/10/2024 (before R1 bidding starts for Spring). Round 2 applications (if space) due December 2nd, rolling admission from there until seats filled.
Fall 2024/Spring 2025
IEDL Student R.A. positions
APPLY VIA Email letter of interest & resume to
Work with Professor Cooney and Alexis Willoughby-Robinson to provide support for the IEDL ongoing action research activities including drafting public facing policy briefs and white papers, overseeing design and printing of IEDL materials for final dissemination, both online and in print form, archival research and assistance with community outreach to develop background IEDL materials, support for podcast production, research support to IEDL student teams during their project phase, and assistance with public facing workshops and presentations based on IEDL artifacts from earlier IEDL projects. The ideal candidates will have strong interest in learning how to conduct applied, community engaged research; candidates with strong people skills, and technical skills who are interested in learning more about moving data into community facing products designed to facilitate community planning encouraged to apply. Graphic design, video and audio editing experience a plus.
Deadline to apply: Rolling until filled.
IEDL Spring 2025 SOM Alumni/ Practitioner Fellow Application
IEDL Alumni/ Practitioner Fellows: The IEDL has funding from the Program on Social Enterprise, Innovation and Impact (PSEII) at SOM to bring on practitioner fellows to provide specific methodological training and technical support for SOM student teams working on IEDL project deliverables.
Deadline to apply: November 1st, 2024.
Questions: Contact