Childcare as Infrastructure

Season 4, Episode 10

Childcare is essential to the productivity of the economy locally and nationally. Often overlooked in conversations about infrastructure, in episode 10, we explore the idea of childcare as essential infrastructure. With Jessica Sager, Co-Founder and CEO of All Our Kin, we discuss childcare systems - or really non-systems and how recent legislation has sought to develop a functioning system, but how there is still work to be done. Matthew Archuleta and Payal Saini co-host. 

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  1. All Our Kin, a national nonprofit that trains, supports, and sustains family childcare educators
  2. For All Our Kin’s publications and research, see here
  3. For All Our Kin’s advocacy work, see here
  4. Learn more about Headstart here
Episode Transcript: 

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